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The International Travel Writers Alliance Press Card

The Alliance press card is an official recognition that its holder is a professional travel journalist

The Alliance press card also provides access to a range of specific and ongoing opportunities from the Alliance's travel industry partners and their agencies.

It will also be accepted whenever and wherever an official press card is required for media accreditation or identification purposes.

In addition, the Alliance press card will secure media admittance to events, celebrations, attractions and entertainments throughout the world.

Renew your Press Card Apply for Press Card

Alliance press card holders receive:

  The card itself,
formally confirming membership of the International Travel Writers Alliance
  The Alliance members logo
for use with email signature and on websites and stationery, and
  Membership of the Alliance Press Card Holders LinkedIn Group,
which enables additional networking opportunities.

Roving ambassadors

In addition to the Alliance raising the profile of its press card, our card holders also act as ‘roving ambassadors’ for the Alliance, sourcing and securing opportunities, for fellow card holders to enjoy.

AllWays traveller


Alliance press card holders can publish their features on AllWays traveller and use these as ‘commissions’ when approaching travel industry partners.

  Visit AllWays traveller

The International Travel Writers Alliance Press Card provides a range of genuine benefits including:

 Industry recognition
The Alliance press card provides journalists with a formal - and industry-wide - recognition of their status as a professional travel writer, editor, broadcaster and/or photographer.
The Alliance has an ever growing number of opportunities for its press card holders and publishes these in its press card holders the directory.

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 Ongoing support
The Alliance also provides its press card holders with ongoing information, assistance and advice and liaises with its partners and agencies on the card holders behalf when appropriate.
Fee for the Alliance press card
One 75.00 90.00 95.00 135.00 150.00

Apply for an Alliance press card:

To obtain an Alliance press card you should provide us with:
1  The number of years the card should run (1,2, or 3),
2  The name of the card holder as it is to appear on the card,
3  A photo to be use on the card (head and shoulders image in square format),
4  The full postal address for sending the card,
5  The appropriate fee, which covers processing, production, postage and tax.
  The fee for the card:

The current fee for the Alliance press card, which can be paid in  Pounds Sterling,   Euro's or   US, Canadian or Australian dollars, can be found in the Press Card Application Pack

You can apply online through this website or send your information to Ashley Gibbins at .
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